
Frequently Asked Questions

Below you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions at Tectxon. We are constantly adding most asked question to this page so if you have a question and don’t see your answer, don’t hesitate to email us at care@myvacc.in

Diseases are becoming rare with vaccinations in India. We have eradicated diseases like Polio in India with regular mass vaccination drives. Various developed countries have reduced incidents of vaccine preventable diseases.

When most of the individuals are immunised, it indirectly protects the unvaccinated individuals or for persons who could not develop immunity after vaccination. As we increase vaccination of people, herd immunity increases. But the vaccinated population should be very high to count on herd immunity.

Vaccines have antigens which are either weak or killed . Hence they will not cause disease but they will induce good immunity against the disease. You can therefore prevent the child from getting sick.

Newborns get antibodies from their mothers and breast milk however this immunity fades by first birthday. Vaccination at home will reduce the costs, and also parents to lose time from work.

In India children have been receiving vaccines safely each year. Very rarely incidences of any worrying side effects have been reported. Common side effects are pain ,swelling at the injection site or fever.

The recommended schedule is designed considering disease epidemiology and safety of the vaccines to get immunity in infants early in life to prevent consequences of the diseases which can also be life threatening.

The recommended schedule is designed considering disease epidemiology and safety of the vaccines to get immunity in infants early in life to prevent consequences of the diseases which can also be life threatening.

Discuss with the doctor.Vaccination can be given with cold, cough, diarrhoea.

Immunisation record. Learn about benefits and risks with the vaccines. Support your child. Be honest, explain shots will sting or pinch. Avoid using shots as trading tool to get the child to do things like, eating. Remind them vaccines keep them healthy.

Distract the child by singing, cuddling or talking. Smile and make eye contact with the child. Comfort the child with a book or a favourite toy.

Hug your child, praise your child, make skin to skin contact. Babies can be breast fed. Older children can be given sweet beverages.

Cool damp cloth can reduce soreness and or swelling. Reduce fever with cool sponge bath. Offer liquids more often. Paracetamol can be given as prescribed by the doctor for fever and relieving pain. Any concerns, please contact the doctor.

A parents embrace prevents children from moving their arms and legs during vaccinations, reduce fright and nurture and comfort the child. You can anchor the child legs between your thighs. For infants you can hold the child on your lap, place the arm under the armpit and hold as you hug the child. Anchor the feet between your thighs.

Children taking antibiotics for mild infection can take vaccinations. However you can consult the doctor if any doubts.

Inform if child has fever, any illnesses, bleeding disorder, any allergic reaction to previous immunisation, any medications the child is on.

Prepare the child for vaccinations by talking with them.Tasting something sweet can reduce pain after vaccination. Breastfeed smaller babies.Cooling spray can be used or an pain relieving ointment can make the child comfortable.Remain calm as smart kids can react if they pickup parental anxiety.Child can hold favourite things like blankets , books or toys. Distract your child with a song or a story. Big kids need support too.You can ask them to breathe deeply and feel the pain going off. Hug and cuddle them.